• TVA_final_front_cover2.jpgThe Tennessee Valley Authority: Design and Persuasion (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007) explores design’s role in promoting the United States’ most extensive regional planning endeavor. Following my introduction, essays explore the several design disciplines that were united in the effort: Christine Macy writes on architecture, Jane Wolff on landscape architecture, Barry Katz on industrial design, Steven Heller on graphic design, Todd Smith on mural painting. Jennifer Bloomer reflects on rural life in the Tennessee Valley, before and after the work of the TVA, and the volume concludes with an afterword by Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. 2008 marks the 75th anniversary of the TVA.

    Illustrations include both archival photographs and new photographs by Richard Barnes, including those below. (Click on an image to enlarge.)

    Download the Introduction to “The Tennessee Valley Authority: Design & Persuasion”

    The 1%

    1p_logo copy_1.jpgThe 1% program of Public Architecture challenges architecture and design firms nationwide to pledge a minimum of 1% of their time to pro bono service. The 1% connects firms willing to give of their time with nonprofit organizations in need of design assistance.

    Rivers Make Lines

    rivers_pic.gifA map of southern Louisiana, modified as if sea level were a mere one foot higher than it actually is, suggests the natural form of cities along the lower Mississippi.* Naturally, they are linear. Rebuilt as an essentially linear city, New Orleans could become one of the few cities in North America where light-rail transit actually works.

    We might expect denser development uptown in the band between Magazine Street and the river, with nodes of activity at the foot of each of the major radial streets — Jackson, Louisiana, Napoleon, Nashville, and so on. A light-rail route along the existing railroad right-of-way at the river could merge seamlessly into a regional storm evacuation network.

    * These maps are derived from more precise maps, based on satellite imagery, developed by Richard Campanella in his extraordinary Time and Place in New Orleans: Past Geographies in the Present Day (Gretna: Pelican Publishing Company, 2002), an essential cultural and topographical reference for the rebuilding of the city.

    From 2000 through 2024, I edited arcCA (Architecture California), the print journal of AIA California, and its online successor, arcCA DIGEST, where you can find the complete archive of both.

    Other clients include:


    AIA National

    AIA San Francisco

    The Office of Charles F. Bloszies

    California Division of the State Architect

    Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture

    EHDD Architecture

    Eskew+Dumez+Ripple | 2014 AIA Firm Award

    Harley Ellis Devereaux

    Robert Lamb Hart | A New Look at Humanism in Architecture, Landscapes, and Urban Design

    Hornberger + Worstell

    HOK | 2019 AIA California Firm Award

    Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects | 2018 AIA Firm Award

    Thomas E. Lollini, FAIA | 2015 AIA Thomas Jefferson Award for Public Architecture

    Mark Horton | Architecture

    John E. “Jack” MacAllister, FAIA | 2013 AIA California Lifetime Achievement Award


    Min | Day


    Willett Moss, FASLA

    Noll & Tam Architects and Planners

    Maria Ogrydziak Architecture

    Payette | 2019 AIA Firm Award

    Public Architecture


    Kati Rubinyi, Civic Projects

    Wayne Ruga, PhD, FAIA | 2015 ASID Design Innovation Award

    Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLPBuilding Saigon South: Sustainable Lessons for a Livable Future

    Starkweather Bondy Architecture, LLP

    TEF Design

    Thorn Architects

    Paul Welschmeyer Architects

    Andrea Traber, LEED Fellow

    zDp. models

    As a consultant to or sponsor of AIA Fellowship nominees, I have worked with:

    Rob Anderson, FAIA, Field Paoli

    Mehrnoush Arsanjani, FAIA, Polytech Associates

    Javier Arizmendi, FAIA, SOM

    Martha Ball, FAIA, Harley Ellis Devereaux

    Hans Baldauf, FAIA, BCV Architecture + Interiors

    Gregory Blackburn, FAIA, Harley Ellis Devereaux

    Bonnie Blake-Drucker, FAIA

    Charles F. Bloszies, FAIA, The Office of Charles F. Bloszies

    John Britton, FAIA, John Britton Architect

    Thomas C. Brutting, FAIA, HKIT

    Michael Burch, FAIA, Michael Burch Architects

    Glenn Carels, FAIA, LPA, Inc.

    Rick D’Amato, FAIA, LPA, Inc.

    Jennifer Devlin-Herbert, FAIA, EHDD Architecture

    Karen Fiene, FAIA, Campus Architect, Mills College

    Anne Fougeron, FAIA, Fougeron Architects

    Laura Hartman, FAIA, Fernau & Hartman

    Keith Hempel, FAIA, LPA, Inc.

    Rod Henmi, FAIA, HKIT

    Charles Higueras, FAIA, City & County of San Francisco

    Mark Hornberger, FAIA, Hornberger + Worstell

    David Keith, FAIA, Hanbury

    Marc L’Italien, FAIA, HGA

    Michael F. Malinowski, FAIA, Applied Architecture

    William Melby, FAIA, Ordiz-Melby Architects

    Mark Miller, FAIA, MKThink

    Burton Miller, FAIA, Hornberger + Worstell

    Chris Noll, FAIA, Noll & Tam

    Alix O’Brien, FAIA, Deputy Director of Facilities, Planning and Development, LAUSD

    Chuck Oraftik, FAIA, HOK

    Elizabeth Ranieri, FAIA, Kuth Ranieri Architects

    Mark Ripple, FAIA, Eskew+Dumez+Ripple

    Wendy Rogers, FAIA, LPA, Inc.

    Wayne Ruga, PhD, FAIA, The CARITAS Project

    Pierluigi Serraino, FAIA

    Adam Shalleck, FAIA, The Shalleck Collaborative

    Scott Shell, FAIA, EHDD Architecture

    Bryan Shiles, FAIA, WRNS Studio

    Bruce Starkweather, FAIA, Lionakis

    Janet Tam, FAIA, Noll & Tam Architects

    Pamela Touschner, FAIA, DLR Group

    Ernesto Vasquez, FAIA, MVE Institutional

    Alyosha Vehrzbinsky, FAIA, TEF Design

    William Worthen, FAIA, Urban Fabrick